
This program consists of three files to play the game "Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock." between two human players. rps_player_class.rb contains the player class, rps_game_class.rb contains the game class and rps_driver.rb calls the methods to run the whole show.


The entire file is devoted to the Player class. The Player class has the attributes of :name, :move, and :score. The initialize method has two variable:

  • name: The string that sets the player`s name.
  • score: The Integer number of times the player has won a game. Initialized at 0. This method returns its self.


rps_game_class.rb is the main file of the three. It is devoted to the Game class and contains the attributes :total_number_of_games, :games_to_win, :game_count, :player1 and :player2. The class initializes with two variables and returns its self:

  • total_number_of_games: The Integer amount of how many games the player selects.
  • game_count: The Integer number of times the game has been played. Initialized at 0.
  def get_name(player_number, name)
   if player_number == 1
     then @player1 =
    @player2 =

Method gets arguments of player number and name to instantiate a new instance of the PlayerClass. It returns an object from PlayerClass. Takes the following variables:

  • player_number: The Integer number that indicates which player.
  • name: The String obtained from user input indicating their name.
 def get_move(player_number, current_move)
   if check_if_valid(current_move) == true
     if player_number == 1
       @player1.move = current_move
       @player2.move = current_move
    return false
   return true

Method gets arguments of player number and current move, checks if move is valid then assigns move to appropriate player. It returns an object from true. Takes the following variables:

  • player_number: The Integer number that indicates which player.
  • current_move: The String obtained from user input indicating their move choice.
  def check_if_valid(player_move)
    ["rock", "paper", "scissors", "spock", "lizard"].include?(player_move.downcase)

Method used to check if move is valid. It takes one variable, the player_move, which is the String of the move the player entered and returns a boolean.

  def determine_game_winner(p1, p2)
    winning_choices = {spock: ["scissors", "rock"], paper: ["rock", "spock"], 
    scissors: ["paper", "lizard"], rock: ["scissors", "lizard"], lizard: ["spock", "paper"]}

    if p1.move == p2.move
      winner ="Neither")
      winner = p1
      winner = p2
    winner.score += 1
    return winner

Method gets arguments player objects, uses winning choices hash to determine who had the winning move or if there was a tie. Increments score. It takes two variables p1/p2 which are objects of the PlayerClass containing name, move and score. It uses the hash to find and return the winner of the individual game. (If it is a tie, it instantiates a new player with the name "Neither"). After a winner is determined, the method adds a point to the score attribute of player.

    @games_to_win = ((total_number_of_games / 2.0).floor) + 1
    if player1.score == games_to_win
      return player1
    elsif player2.score == games_to_win
      return player2
      return nil

Method determines match winner comparing games to win attribute with the player object score. Returns winner, if there is one, else returns nil and they keep playing


This file runs the game by making method calls, sending in information and returning what comes back. It begins with instantiating a new instance of the game class and passes it the number of games the player wants to play: game1 =
Then it asks for the name of each player and sets them to the Game class attributes mentioned earlier of player1 and player2. Next it enters a while loop to loop through as many games as necessary to meet the requirements of a best of x match. While this is happening, it also checks to see if the user input is a valid move. ruby while game_winner == nil puts "Make your move: #{}" is_valid = game1.get_move(1, gets.chomp) while is_valid == false puts "Invalid entry: Please enter your move: " is_valid = game1.get_move(1, gets.chomp) end puts " Please enter your move: #{} " is_valid = game1.get_move(2, gets.chomp) while is_valid == false puts "Invalid entry: Please enter your move: " is_valid = game1.get_move(2, gets.chomp) end Finally the app finishes up by calling the determine game winner method (which takes both player objects as arguments) and then interpolates the answer (player one or two's name) in a string with '...wins!'

Once one player has won the correct number of games (using a call to the determine match winner method), the program finishes with the name of the winner of allllll!

gist of code